Posted on: 8th November 2024

Wot Wud U Do in terms of bullying?

What is bullying?

Bullying can be thought of as unwanted, aggressive behaviour with a real or perceived power imbalance. The real or perceived power imbalance could be physical in nature, social, or psychological, in which the target of the bullying feels helpless or isolated. It is a serious issue that affects millions of young people throughout the world and has serious ramifications.

Why do people bully?

Bullying tends to happen because someone is different, whether it be the victim looks different than the average, someone seems quieter than the rest of your peers, or whether someone has different interests.

However, this would not be ideal to place 100% blame upon the bully for their actions. Many use it as a channel from other personal issues they struggle with elsewhere and their own insecurities.

The consequences of bullying

Whenever someone thinks of a bullying victim, they think of mental health issues. Illnesses like depression and anxiety often stem from trauma from bullying. This is serious as such illnesses can not only make you feel absolutely downhearted, but also majorly hinder a person’s life and future.

It could  also cause people to isolate themselves, which is hard as social interaction is a necessity for any human being.

Now Wot Wud U Do?

Addressing bullying requires effort from individuals, families, schools, workplaces, and communities as a whole. Teaching people about the effects of bullying and creating awareness around empathy and kindness can foster a more respectful environment

Encouraging open communication is also a massive undertaking as due to higher power, the victim is often too scared to speak up about what’s going on, thinking ‘they’ll just wait it out,’ despite it not getting any better. 

Education about what to do as well is also crucial. You absolutely wouldn’t want any of your friends or family bullied, and as of the aforementioned issue of victims struggling with opening communication. Education of how to spot bullying and intervene in a safe, secure way would be incredible.

Bullying is a preventable issue, and every individual can play a part in making their communities safer and more supportive. By fostering empathy, encouraging open communication, and educating people about the real impact of bullying, we can create spaces where everyone feels respected and valued.

Written by Marlow, 16, Preston

Read about how Wot Wud U Do uses social and emotional learning to help young people address issues such as bullying here

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